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About us

Your Health is our Priority

Established in 2022, Responsive Parenthood Uganda (REPU) is a not for profit, non-government organization that is a leading provider of quality integrated SRH Services in Uganda.


A Uganda with healthy families and sustainable reproductive health outcomes.


To inspire, provide, and enhance access to SRHR information and services among vulnerable communities particularly young people and women in Uganda through transformative evidence-based approaches.



SRHR Service Delivery

Research and Advocacy

Youth participatory Programming

Capacity development

Climate Change

Your Health is Our Priority

REPU has a network of one branch in Kampala and 10 partner public facilities in central and Busoga regions, 30 community resource persons, 60 youth peers.

REPU currently has presence in central and Busoga regions of Uganda and operates through partnerships to target Urban and rural communities. REPU intends to scale up coverage to other sub-regions of Uganda that include, Northern, Western, midwestern and West Nile regions.

REPU established a model clinic in Mpererwe Gayaza Road in Kampala providing integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) services and information.

The REPU service package include: family planning services, cervical cancer screening, post abortion care, HIV/AIDS/STD/STI, antenatal care and maternity services, immunization, adolescent SRHR services, Sexual gender-based prevention and management, infertility management, mental health services, minor operations, General Medical and diagnostic Laboratory services.

 To enhance access to SRHR services by men without stigmatization, a National Vasectomy Centre was established at the model REPU clinic in Mpererwe. A particular focus on vasectomy service provision using the No-Scalpel Vasectomy method. To further strengthen services access to men, other services offered include male infertility, screening for prostate cancer & enlargement, safe male circumcision, STIs and HIV, mental health support for men particularly young people and elderly.

To date REPU has worked and collaborated with districts, CSOs and CBOs reaching some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities with much needed integrated package of SRH services, health systems strengthening and capacity building and integrated SRHR outreaches. Through this network REPU delivers integrated reproductive health maternal and child health services including nutrition to over 400,00 people annually, 60% of whom are vulnerable and underserved communities including young people, and those in hard-to-reach areas.

Children Helped